Type Information Required Documents
Alien Registration    - Method: By visiting an immigration (Branch) Office within 90 days after you enter Korea.
  • - Application form
  • - Passport
  • - Photo
  • - Fee(KRW 30,000)
Notification of Change in Registration Information
  • - Report Details: When one of the information listed below has been changed
  •   (Name, sex, date of birth, nationality, passport number, issued and expiry date of passport, change of school, address)
  • - Due Date of Report: Within 14 days from the date of change
  • - Method of Report: By visiting an Immigration (Branch) Office
  • - Application From
  • - Passport
  • - Alien Registration Card
  • - Documents proving the name change or change of other personal information
  • - Change of School: A certificate of attendance from the new school, a certificate of previous enrollment from the previous school
Extension of Stay - By preparing all the requirements and visiting an immigration (Branch) Office before the expiration.
  • - Application Form
  • - Passport
  • - Alien Registration Card
  • - Documents proving attendance(or research)
  • - Transcript
  • - Proof of financial ability
  • - Acceptable documents for proof of residency
  • - Proof of tuition fee payment
  • - Fee(KRW 60,000)
  • ※ Minimum Balance
  • - D2: KRW 7,000,000
Participation in activities uncertified for current sojourn status(Part-time Work)
  • - Time Limit for Undergraduate course & Language Training Course: Up to 20 hours per week
  • - Graduate Course: Up to 30 hours per week
  • - Qualification: The student must have stayed for more than 6 months in Korea.

- Alien Registration Card

- Part-time Work of Foreign Student Confirmation Form

- Documents proving attendance, grades etc.

- Work Contract

- Certificate of Business Registration


※ International students themselves or the administrator of international students at the university must report by visiting an Immigration (Branch) Office in person.

Re-issuance of Alien Card By preparing all the requirements and visiting an immigration (Branch) Office before the expiration.
  • - Application From
  • - Passport
  • - Photo
  • - Fee(KRW 30,000)
  • - You must carry your alien card at all times.
  • - If there is any change on your registration information, you must notify the Office of International Education and the Immigration Office (within 14 days from the date of change).
Seoul Immigration Office Sejongno Branch Office
  • - Address: 2, 3F Seoul Global Center, 38 Jongro, Jongno-gu, Seoul
  • - Phone number: 02-731-1799
Office of International Education
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea
Tel : +82-2-970-9206~7 Fax : +82-2-970-9229
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232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea
Tel : +82-2-970-9206~7 Fax : +82-2-970-9229