Welcome to Seoul Tech’s Korean Language Course.
The Office of International Affairs(OIA) was established to play a vital role in integrating the international affairs of Seoul Tech on December 1st, 1999. OIA has been exerting strategic efforts into securing our global competitiveness by developing various international programs, promoting collaborative partnerships with outstanding foreign universities & organizations and exchanging students & faculty members.

Our aim is to cultivate students of global perspective & talent by providing opportunities of different experiences in different cultures and education systems all over the world. In this context, we are consistently seeking to develop quality programs that are designed to satisfy increasing demands from both domestic and international students. In addition, we have International Affairs Committee as a deliberation body that helps us make strategic decisions and facilitate follow-ups.

We operate international language programs to our local residents as well as Seoul Tech students to meet their specific needs and to help acquire language proficiency. Furthermore, we provide international students with Korean Language programs in order that they can learn Korean language & culture.

OIA will sincerely keep on developing new programs in many possible areas that meet expectations of various stakeholders to be a driving force of successful internationalization of SeoulTech. We look forward to your support and love.
Office of International Education
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea
Tel : +82-2-970-9206~7 Fax : +82-2-970-9229
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공과대학공과대학기계시스템디자인공학과기계·자동차공학과기계공학 프로그램자동차공학 프로그램안전공학과신소재공학과건설시스템공학과건축학부-건축공학전공건축학부-건축학전공건축기계설비공학과정보통신대학정보통신대학전기정보공학과컴퓨터공학과스마트ICT융합공학과전자공학과전자IT미디어공학과전자공학 프로그램IT미디어공학프로그램에너지바이오대학에너지바이오대학화공생명공학과환경공학과식품공학과정밀화학과스포츠과학과안경광학과조형대학조형대학디자인학과산업디자인전공시각디자인전공도예학과금속공예디자인학과조형예술학과인문사회대학인문사회대학행정학과영어영문학과문예창작학과외국어교육기술경영융합대학기술경영융합대학산업공학과(산업정보시스템전공)산업공학과(ITM전공)MSDE학과경영학과(경영학전공)경영학과(글로벌테크노경영전공)데이터사이언스학과미래융합대학미래융합대학융합기계공학과건설환경융합공학과헬스피트니스학과문화예술학과영어과벤처경영학과정보통신융합공학과창의융합대학창의융합대학인공지능응용학과지능형반도체공학과미래에너지융합학과교양대학교양대학국제대학국제대학대학원일반대학원산업대학원주택도시대학원철도전문대학원IT 정책전문대학원나노IT디자인융합대학원융합과학대학원
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232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea
Tel : +82-2-970-9206~7 Fax : +82-2-970-9229